I Cried Today...

In the back seat of my car to be exact. Okay let’s back up, and talk about what led me to this point. I woke up late, with my hair still wet from washing it last night (#thickhairprobs). I ran out of the house with no makeup, no gas in my car and no time. I had to present social media ideas to my boss today, which was great considering I looked like a literal embodiment of a gremlin. So you can imagine how I felt. By the time I parked my car, got another lame Ariana Grande joke thrown at me by one of the Starbucks workers, and trekked up the two flights of stairs to get to my office…I was already done for the Monday.

But no, the day got a bit worse, and that led me to taking my 30 minute lunch break, in the back of my Mini Cooper, crying as I FaceTimed my 16-year-old sister (she’s homeschooled).

So why am I telling you that I cried in the back of my car? Like this is really depressing Ari, where are you going with this? Well, all of this is to say, that you will have those days where all you want to do is cry and be done. And I am here to tell you…that’s okay. Go cry in your car, the bathroom, silently into your grande Caramel Machiatto with Soy Milk. It’s okay. But just remember, being an adult is about crying in your car, and having the strength to wipe your tears and keep going.

So with a pep talk from my sister, after she legit answered the phone by saying “why are you calling me?” (I was lowkey offended), I climbed out my car, and went back to work.

On the plus side of all of this though, I got to pet a dog today. So small victories.

A Recipe For Disaster

Step By Step Hair Tutorial