New Year? No Resolutions!
The new year is afoot and no doubt you have been bombarded with one thing...New Year's Resolutions. Whether it's people making them, you seeing people talk about them on tv, or you just thinking about them...they are here (unfortunately). And guess what? I think resolutions are full of crap. i mean really, you make these resolutions and then usually forget about them after the hype of the new year passes. now don't get me wrong, some people prove me wrong and pull through with fulfilling their resolutions, but not everyone does this. So, I have some things that will make your new year, and all years after this one, go in the right direction.
Image Credit: Ariana Coleman
Visualizing your goals
In Habakkuk 2:2 the Lord says to "Write the vision, And make it plain..." This means that Lord tells us to physically right down our visions, our goals, and make it happen. Now for my non-Christian readers, this also applies to you. In order to really achieve your goals, you must have a physical reminder of what they are. The problem with creating resolutions is that sometimes we don't write them down, or if we do, it's on a piece of paper or in the notes app on our phones (Not the best way to record meaningful info). These things can be easily missed on a daily basis, and may not help you in the long run.
Also my problem with resolutions is that they typically are limiting you to a year. Think about it you make a resolution, and you are setting yourself up to achieve that resolution in one year. Sometimes that just isn't realistic! Some things take more time than that. So my solution to these lackluster resolutions are vision boards.
vision boards and why they are amazing!
Vision boards are actually a relatively new thing that I have gotten into. My mom was actually the one who told me about. She herself has a vision board, and it's been incredibly helpful for her. Now what is a vision board exactly? Well, I'm glad you asked. A vision board can be a wall, cork board, mirrors, basically any thing that can be big enough to be seen by you every day and hold notes and visual reminders of your goals. This way you have a physical reminder of things that you wrote down, and you can't make excuses for yourself...because it's literally right there in front of you. So how do you go about creating a vision board?
creating a vision
So the way that I started my vision board is that I first just journal down things that I wanted to accomplish in the next five years of my life. I started with what I wanted to accomplish this new year of 2017 and then moved on to the next two years, three years, etc. This way I can get my thoughts organized before I make the effort to out my board together.
Secondly, I then begin to physically put together the vision board. I basically organize everything that I journaled down and make it so that I can pin it onto my vision board. The goals that you put onto your vision board can be absolutely anything. They can reflect goals for your business, your health, your relationships, whatever. It's whatever you want for your future. Make it personal to you. Put on pictures on it of places you want to go or people you want to meet (Personally on mine, I have a picture of Lilly Singh's new book because she is hella inspirational, and one day I want to meet her).
Thirdly and finally, hang it up somewhere that you will see it everyday. It makes no sense for you to do all this work and then shove your vision board behind your bed or inside your closet. Go buy some command strips and hang it on your wall (don't be lazy).
Classique Tip: A vision board can be a lot of work to put together sometimes so here are two alternatives.
- You can have a chalk wall! Not only are they an amazing way to have a visual reminder of your goals, but it also allows you to easily erase and change ideas that you have. It's fun and a really cool way to create lists without it getting lost in the stacks of papers that you have on your desk (trust me).
- If you aren't into the vision board or the chalk board option, try sticky notes! They come in an assortment of shapes and sizes and don't need a lot of work to get it together. You can easily move them and change them around to different locations. You can also place them in your living space; whether that be on your mirror, on your fridge (because food is the thing I go to the most) or on your laptop.
Image Credit: Ariana Coleman